Amanda Johnson
REALTOR® Phone(270) 994-5321 (270) 558-1338 Websitewww.idxcentral.comEmailamanda@thearnoldrealtygroup.comAmanda is a lifetime Paducah resident, who grew up in Reidland and has resided in the Fountain Avenue neighborhood since 2004. She graduated from Reidland High School and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business from Murray State University. Amanda and her husband Shawn have been married for over 15 years and have two children: a daughter named Jeslee and a son named Jack.
Amanda has always loved “all-things-houses”: house hunting, the legal process of transferring ownership, staging properties for showings, managing her vacation rental, and so on. After successfully renovating several homes for resale, she decided to pursue real estate on a professional level, becoming a licensed real estate sales agent in 2018. She joined Dawn in 2019,and is honored to be part of such an experienced, knowledgeable group of professionals.
Amanda Says:
Whether buying or selling, real estate transactions are often among the most important financial decisions one makes. I give each client exhaustive service, no matter how small or large the transaction may be. I want those interested in buying or selling real estate to view me as someone on their team, trusted to guide them through the entire process. I am a hands-on seller’s agent, who works diligently to market my listings. From professional photography and open houses, to complimentary cleanings, I do what it takes to ensure your property looks its best when it hits the market, and shows well until sold. As a buyer’s agent I work hard for my clients to find properties that best suit their wants and needs. When you work with me, you’ll be the first to know when a property of interest becomes available. I am an “available” agent, who will keep you informed every step of the way.
I believe communication is key, and “the absence of talk is not listening.” I am an agent that listens, and I would love to work for you!